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The Key to Making a Full Time Living as a Creator

If you don’t have this, you’ll fail

Ayodeji Awosika
7 min readJan 29, 2022


This simple secret has been the key to my success. I used it when I had no followers as a writer.

I used it to propel myself from dead broke to financially free, building a massive audience along the way.

Are you ready for the secret?

Here it comes.

The secret to having a successful career as a creator is…to have fun. Novel idea, right? But I see so many aspiring creators so stuck in getting results that they don’t seem to understand the point of what they’re doing.

The point of writing isn’t to make money as a writer, the point of writing is to write.

So many people reach out to me saying they struggle with their writing. Why? Don’t you like it?

I get that writers feel self-doubt and are critical about their own work. I am too. But I can’t imagine being paralyzed in perfectionism. They’re just words, dude. Just write them. It’s fun. It should be, at least.

I credit my success to not making any money at all, to begin with. I wrote for fun. Yes, I did write to gain fans and I liked the attention. That was a huge part of it, too.



Ayodeji Awosika
Ayodeji Awosika

Written by Ayodeji Awosika

Learn how to become a top Medium writer and make a living writing here —

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