Photo by Jodie Cook on Unsplash

How To Become a Writer And Make a Living With Your Words

Ayodeji Awosika
29 min readJul 28, 2021

Lots of people want to learn how to become a writer. And there’s a ton of information online that will show you the step-by-step methods to do it.

This post is no different, except that it’s going to talk about a critical element that gets missed by pretty much all of the articles that talk about not just how to become a writer but become a better writer.

What’s that critical element? Mindset. If you don’t come into the writing game with the right type of thinking, it’s going to be hard to succeed. All the steps in the world aren’t going to help you if you don’t have the motivation, will, and discipline to actually complete them.

See, I’m not one of these writing gurus who’s going to make the process seem like it’s all sunshine and roses. If you want to become a writer, it’s a process that’s going to push you mentally. Also, you’re going to have to make sacrifices in the process.

So before you get to the steps themselves, ask yourself, are you willing to pay the price? The rewards are plenty. I’ve made nearly half a million dollars from writing alone. My words have been read by millions of people across the world. I’ve published three books with hundreds of positive reviews for each.

